Recently I wanted to move my notes from and the notes app on the iPhone to text files. This would then allow me to use Notational Velocity with markdown hack and that I use with the excellent Taskpaper iphone app by Hogg Bay Software.
You can download the script files here or copy and paste from the article.
Here’s how I got it to work. I really hope I’m not missing a trivially easy way to do this but this way did work for me!
- Export from Mail to an archive. This is a plain text file.
- Download MacVim
- Run a script over archive file to reduce it to text
- Run ruby script in new folder to convert notes to text files
Export from to an archive
- Click on notes
- Mailbox | Archive Mailbox
- Choose a new empty folder like ~/Downloads/Notes
- Copy the Notes.mbox/mbox file to ~/Downloads/Notes. You won’t need the table
_contents file.
The ~/Downloads/Notes/mbox file contains all the notes in a single text file with a bunch of markup.
Download MacVim
- Download MacVim
- Drag to applications folder and open
Run vim script to convert mbox text file
The script:
:%s/ / /g
:%s/<br class="[^"]*">//g
:%s/=\n/ /g
:%s/^Content-Type: text\/html;\n//g
:%s/^Message-Id: .*\n//g
:%s/^From: .*\n//g
:%s/ -0400$//g
:%s/<span [^>]*>//g
:%s/=CA? Date: .*//g
:%s/? //g
:%s/^Subject: /!!!\rSubject: /g
- Save the above vim script to a file, like ~/notes.vim using a text editor.
- Right-click on the plain text mail archive file you created above (~/Downloads/Notes/mbox) and choose: Open With | MacVim. You can also launch MacVim and open the mbox file with File | Open.
:so ~/notes.vim
Or whatever you named the vim script.
- This will convert the file to text. You may need to do some small other adjustments - this script worked well on my file.
What is remaining is a list of Subject: *, Date: * and message body blocks with the !!! separating the entries. We’ll use this in the ruby script to convert them to text files. - Choose File | SaveAs to save the modified file to the filename “notes.text”, let’s say ~/Downloads/Notes/notes.text
Run ruby script to convert to text file
Most mac systems these days have ruby. To test, open the Terminal and type:
ruby --version
It should return something like:
$ ruby --version
ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [universal-darwin10.0]
Save the script below to ~/Downloads/Notes/n.rb
class WriteNotes
@counter = 0
def WriteNotes.writeout(subject, note, date)
# write out new file
if subject != ""
# make subject the filename
filename = subject
# limit file names to 50 chars - make longer if required
if filename.length > 50
filename = filename[0..50]
# strip out filename-unfriendly characters
filename = filename.strip.gsub(/ /,"_")
filename = filename.gsub(/[?:,@="'.\\\/]/,"")
# check if we have a date in the date field (basic check)
d = date[0..1].match(/[0-9]/)
# default a current date if date not found
if !d
date ="%Y-%m-%d")
if date.strip.length == 0
date ="%Y-%m-%d")
# remove comma from date if it's non-standard, like "Aug, 2"
date = date.gsub(/,/,"")
# filename template - change to taste
filename = "zan-" + date + "-" + filename + ".txt"
# write out file
notefile =, "w")
notefile.puts note
@counter = @counter + 1
# puts "__filename[#{@counter}]: " + filename
puts "Subject: [#{@counter}]" + subject
# puts "__note: " + note
end # writeout
subject = ""
note = ""
date = ""
file ="notes.text", "r")
while (line = file.gets)
if line[0..2] == "!!!" # at a new note
# write out new text file
writeout(subject, note, date)
# init vars
subject = ""
note = ""
date = ""
# collect data into subject, note, date fields
m = line[0..7]
# puts m
if m == "Subject:"
subject = line[8..line.length].strip
note = ""
if line.strip[0..3] == "Date"
date = line.strip[6..15]
date = date.gsub(/:/,"")
date = date.gsub(/ /,"_")
note = note + line
end # while
writeout(subject, note, date)
puts "total files: #{@counter}"
rescue => err
puts "Exception: #{err}"
Open terminal (under Utilities in Applications folder) and type:
cd ~/Downloads/Notes
Now we can run the script, type:
ruby n.rb
If the script runs correctly, the notes.text file will be processed and each file will be written out in the format:
If there is a problem, just remove the text files generated and start again (rm *.txt)
Good luck! The vim script and ruby script may require a little tweaking. Please leave a note if you found this useful.